Thursday, December 11, 2008

Re: Blog Stage Seven

Wow. Very well written argument. I did not even know he was planning on passing such an act, and frankly I'm very shocked. I can not believe he would do such an immoral thing such as that. Once the baby has reached 3 months, it is murder and that is how it has been ever since Roe v. Wade. If it would be right to murder a baby, then it would have to be right to murder an adult as well. It is the same concept, it is still a human being. And a mother's "health" being a reason for an abortion should only be a reason if the mother would die from having the child. All of the mental, psychological, and physical health reasons are just crap. If a woman is to get pregnant, then she should take responsibility for her actions. If her decision is to get an abortion, then so be it. But the abortion must take place in the 3 month time limit. After that, it is going against everything America stands for. I don't even know where Obama would get such an idea as to let a woman have an abortion whenever. It's not right in any way and the act should not be passed. I'm hoping for the lives of so many unborn babies that the act does not get passed. And like my fellow classmate, I am also very worried about what other immoral, selfish acts Obama will create. An act such as the one he is proposing now makes me worry about the future of our country and the future of so many citizens that may not even be born. The FOCA is ridiculous and should not have even been a thought in any body's mind, let alone the future President of our country.

Original Blog

Friday, December 5, 2008

Job Losses

The United States could be doing a better job at stimulating businesses and companies to include and hire more new workers, especially since the year of 2008 has reached the pinacle of its unemployment rate. November, being the worst month of the year so far for unemployment, has brought little promise to the unemployed and many are forced to rely on the governments' money, or lack thereof. Many others are forced to stand on the side and wait patiently as the newly elected President Obama must now formulate and come up with plans to bring back many unemployed workers, provide money to kick start businesses and help boost the moral and stability of companies and our economy as a whole.

One of the easiest ways would be for, yes, another government loan. While the United States is already severely in debt, it will take a bit more of it to pull us out. If America have any chance at all, it will require a few more loans to kick start our dying economy, boost jobs, and stabilize the companies that hold our economy in tact. This includes everything from the housing market, to professional sports, to education systems, to the working roll and part of the government. Although President Obama might have some good ideas, it will take some time for them to come into action and that is what everyone, with and without jobs, is waiting for. So as we stand idle, the best course of action for the United States would be to temporarily give out loans to companies so that the companies may hire workers, increase efficiency and stabilize while waiting for more long term goals and plans.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Re: "The Election"

You make a very good point in your stating that "the greatest factor is how the nation pulls together" after the election. It is a very important factor and I don't think many people really think about what the people can do, they merely think about what the President should be doing. A little selfish and demanding? Yes. That is what America has come to which is a terrible thing to think about. People may not like the elected President, but that doesn't mean the country has to fail. The people just need to come closer and get through this difficult time together.

Many people also agree that it doesn't matter who will win. Either way, people would be mad about who won or mad that the President wasn't doing his job. Yes, both Presidents do have their faults, but what President doesn't? There can never be a "perfect" President because everybody makes mistakes.

This election was definitely one of the most important elections in the nation and to have such diversity in voting certainly had a huge effect. It kinda sucks for those stuck in the middle though, knowing that each President has a different, but well thought out plan to help us through this time. But no matter who you voted for or what you thought, now the President has been chosen and we all need to come together as a nation.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Voters are the Downfall

Votes of the people are becoming less and less prominent in today's society. People do not fairly vote, nor do they know anything about U.S. Government or the Presidential policies. The votes that are counted in the election are not actually the real number so it's not intelligent to count them. Something needs to be done about the unfairness, and fast.

Cheating is very popular in voting for the President. There are many cases of people registering many times, some as high as one hundred or more. These people most commonly register deceased family members, but also with fake identities, new identities, and many other creative ways. How could a country count these votes? They clearly are not fair votes, and although they realize this is happening, there is not much that can be done at this time. However, those that they do catch are convicted of a felony since this is such a big issue. In some states there are more registered voters than there are eligible people to vote. How could such an obvious thing happen? What I really don't understand is how the system does not realize how people are registering people who have passed away, or people that never existed in the first place. In the very near future, there needs to be new technology to separate real votes from fraud votes.

Another issue in voting is the fact that nobody really knows what they are talking about. On the radio the other day someone interviewed a bunch of Obama supporters. He went up to them and asked if they were voting for him and when all said that they were, he went on to ask even more questions. The interviewer began to list all of McCain's policies and asked if the people agreed with all of those policies. Having no idea about the Presidential policies, they said things like "Oh yeah, I agree with all of that", "Yeah of course", and "Yeah, Obama has a great plan". But what these people did not realize was that the interviewer tricked them into admitting they had no education about politics or the Government. They didn't support Obama because of his "changes" or policies because they didn't even know what the policies were. If they were so strongly supporting McCain's policies, then maybe they have the wrong presidential candidate. And that is the sad part about all of the voters in America-most of them do not know much or anything about the candidates. They vote for who their friends and family are voting for, who their college professor is voting for, who is most popular, who people like them are voting for. But not many people are actually voting for the policies. How can we let people like this decide the president and the future of this country? These people should have no say at all in who the president is. Listening to that interview scared me and really made me think about the people who vote.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Is God the real enemy?

The author of What If God Loses the Election by David Swanson is way out of line. I was astonished as I read the article and I still can not believe anyone would write something like that. Swanson makes the claim that every problem happening in the world is due to God and His plans to cause us pain, that that is His only purpose, all He sets out to do. And because everything is God's fault, the people of the world have nothing to do with any bad situation, war, hatred, prejudice, anything negative at all. I do not agree at all because I do not believe this to be God's fault at all. Swanson should not have even brought God up because he could not even properly back up his claim. He was just speaking as a liberal, obviously towards the liberal public, putting down the views of conservatives. Swanson had no evidence and his article was not credible at all. It was merely ideas in his head written down without much thought going into it at all. There is not much evidence one can produce, however, about God and the true meaning behind His actions. Swanson's accusation is one with no proof because he can not physically question God, nor can he just assume. God is a mysterious being whom not one person can truly say they know personally. God did not do this to our world, humans did. It was the people who decided to hate others who are different, who decided to make war, who decided to not get along, who caused all of the bad things. Those who believe in God go to Him in times of disaster, and even when everything is going right, for help and support. Why would we go to Him for help in times of crisis when He made it happen to harm us? That goes against everything about God and everything the Bible says. We would not go to a God for help if he was not a loving God. So basically, this article was a waste of time and space and should never have been printed in the first place. I am astonished at this article and am not sure how anyone could possibly see the logic in his writing.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Palin Clueless?

In an article posted by Ali Frick on Think Progress, the accusation that Palin is clueless was made. This particular article is definitely intended for the Democratic view, and most certainly not the Republican. Democrats are all about attacking Palin and her beliefs and opinions, or her lack thereof. Ali's video clip of the interview Katie Couric had with Plain explains his opinion of Palin's lack of knowledge. However, just because Palin does not have an exact example of a Supreme Court decision in which she disagrees with, does not mean she does not know her facts. Palin has been in politics much longer than Obama has and would, therefore, have more political knowledge and information about our country. And really, Democrats should shift their focus away from the Republican VP, and in the direction of the actual presidential candidates, such as their very own, Barack Obama. They must be completely overlooking the fact that their beloved Obama has even less of an opinion on more important matters. On all important matters in the senate, Obama merely marked 'present'. He did not even voice his opinion in serious matters because his main concern is pleasing the public, hence his "changes" in America. Many of Obama's changes are not even necessary or needed. The sole purpose of Obama's changes is to capture votes from America, mainly the younger ones. All they see is change, which is what everybody wants, they completely ignore the indecisiveness of Obama. Instead of seriously considering the actual runners for president, people seem to be more focused on Palin and there is absolutely no need for it. Palin isn't running for president, Obama and McCain are. So the fact that the Democrats are so determined to bring Palin down is a mystery to me. I'm more worried about the "all-knowing" president they seem so fond of. Maybe if they paid more attention to the facts about Obama, and less about Palin, they would see the truth and would stop attacking Palin on a daily basis.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fears of U.S.-Russia Breakdown

The United States and Russia have gotten along for years, until now. However, Russia is behind Iran in terms of allies, and America is behind Israel. Coincidentally, Iran and Israel are not on good terms and plan on going to war in the future. America and Russia, usually very compatible, are now very hostile towards each other. Even though Iran claims to only be building nuclear "power", America and Israel both know that they are really building nuclear bombs to bomb Israel with. Because of this, Israel may strike first, with us behind them in support. With us supporting them, and Russia defending Iran, there is no possible way for us to stay friendly with one another. The two countries have no trust in each other, only suspicion.

This information was obtained through the FOX News website:,2933,424466,00.html

And further information from news on TV.