Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fears of U.S.-Russia Breakdown

The United States and Russia have gotten along for years, until now. However, Russia is behind Iran in terms of allies, and America is behind Israel. Coincidentally, Iran and Israel are not on good terms and plan on going to war in the future. America and Russia, usually very compatible, are now very hostile towards each other. Even though Iran claims to only be building nuclear "power", America and Israel both know that they are really building nuclear bombs to bomb Israel with. Because of this, Israel may strike first, with us behind them in support. With us supporting them, and Russia defending Iran, there is no possible way for us to stay friendly with one another. The two countries have no trust in each other, only suspicion.

This information was obtained through the FOX News website:,2933,424466,00.html

And further information from news on TV.