Thursday, December 11, 2008

Re: Blog Stage Seven

Wow. Very well written argument. I did not even know he was planning on passing such an act, and frankly I'm very shocked. I can not believe he would do such an immoral thing such as that. Once the baby has reached 3 months, it is murder and that is how it has been ever since Roe v. Wade. If it would be right to murder a baby, then it would have to be right to murder an adult as well. It is the same concept, it is still a human being. And a mother's "health" being a reason for an abortion should only be a reason if the mother would die from having the child. All of the mental, psychological, and physical health reasons are just crap. If a woman is to get pregnant, then she should take responsibility for her actions. If her decision is to get an abortion, then so be it. But the abortion must take place in the 3 month time limit. After that, it is going against everything America stands for. I don't even know where Obama would get such an idea as to let a woman have an abortion whenever. It's not right in any way and the act should not be passed. I'm hoping for the lives of so many unborn babies that the act does not get passed. And like my fellow classmate, I am also very worried about what other immoral, selfish acts Obama will create. An act such as the one he is proposing now makes me worry about the future of our country and the future of so many citizens that may not even be born. The FOCA is ridiculous and should not have even been a thought in any body's mind, let alone the future President of our country.

Original Blog

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